All students enrolled in a degree programme can access the tutoring services.
The tutoring services provided for students are a General tutoring help desk and a Tutoring service in specific disciplinary areas.
General Tutoring
The general tutoring service is held by students enrolled in a master's degree, or at least in the fourth year of a five-year Degree course or in a PhD programme. It is a free service activated by the Faculty of Law and aimed at students in the first years of their academic career.
General tutors are available for the following activities:
- provide orientation and support in the first steps of the university career
- provide support in accessing the services and administrative procedures active within the Department, the University and the Opera Universitaria Institution
- provide support to international students in lingua franca.
It is possible to contact the tutors and schedule an appointment by drafting an email to tutor-citta [at] unitn.it
Tutoring in specific disciplinary fields
Tutoring in specific disciplinary fields is a support service aimed at students who encounter difficulties in learning specific subjects of a course or in preparing for an exam.
The disciplinary fields for which the specific tutoring service is active are: Constitutional and International Administrative Law; Criminal Law and Criminal Procedure, and Philosophy of Law; Private Law, Comparative Private and Business Law; Substantive and Procedural Labour Law; History of Roman Law and of Modern Legal Thought.
For each disciplinary field at least one tutor is available for the whole academic year.
Students may reach the tutors of their field of interest to schedule an appointment by drafting an email to the following addresses:
Constitutional and International Administrative Law
email: tutor.giuri.amm-cost-int [at] unitn.it
(Sebastiano Belfi, Jacqueline Lucrezia Morinello Marchese)
Criminal Law and Criminal Procedure, and Philosophy of Law
email: tutor.giuri.pen-proc-filo [at] unitn.it
(Vittorio Cama, Andrea Secco, Giorgia Urbani)
Private Law, Comparative Private and Business Law
email: tutor.giuri.priv-privcomp-comm [at] unitn.it
(Sebastiano Belfi, Beatrice Liviero)
Substantive and Procedural Labour Law
email: tutor.giuri.lav-procciv [at] unitn.it
(Martina Cavalcanti)
email:tutor.giuri.economica [at] unitn.it
(Giovanni Dilillo, Filippo Vecchi)
The specific tutoring service is held by students enrolled in a master's degree course or in a PhD programme, who have been selected via call for application; the call for application for tutors in specific fields is a public selection that takes place twice a year, once in summer and once in late autumn each year.