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The Erasmus+ call for study for mobility in the academic year 2025/2026 will be published on the Open Selection Calls page by mid-December.

The ranking list for the Erasmus+ call for studies 2024/2025 is available on this page.

Before applying

  • attend the International Days or the Info Meetings organized by the International Mobility office
  • get the required level of knowledge of the language you are interested in time through the CLA language tests or through an international certification
  • check carefully if the educational offer of the Partner University fits with your study plan
  • check carefully which courses of your study plan can be taken in the Partner Universities you are interested in
  • note that the Erasmus scholarship is meant as a partial coverage of the living expenses. While choosing the destination you should consider the cost of living of the host country. 

Minimum Admission Requirements

You have to fullfill the requirements set in the Call for Applications. The requirements are:

  • a minimum number of credits according to the year you are enrolled in (see article 2 of the Call);
  • be considered as regularly enrolled student with status "in corso";
  • certify the minimum language level set by the Call by the deadline (min. B2 for English, A2 for Spanish, B1 for French, German, Portuguese). The language requirement should be coherent with the chosen destination/s.

Language Requirement

The level of language proficiency shall be certified in one of the following ways:

  • Holding a language certificate among those listed on the Language Centre (CLA) webpage - section "INTERNATIONAL CERTIFICATES ACCEPTED AS ENTRY REQUIREMENT FOR DEGREE PROGRAMMES AND COURSES AT THE LANGUAGE CENTRE AND INTERNATIONAL EXCHANGES" (the certificate has to be uploaded in the online application);
  • Being a native speaker in the required language (this requisite has to be declared in the online application);
  • Having passed the CLA language exam testing the four abilities (reading, speaking, writing and listening) if available in the candidates’ UniTrento study plan and if the language is the same and the level is at least the same as the one required by the partner University (this requisite has to be declared in the online application);
  • Having passed the language exam testing the four abilities in another University, if the language is the same and the level is at least the same as the one required by the partner University (in case of destinations with two languages the candidate must choose one language for carrying out study/internship activities. If the candidates choose both languages available this will be considered equal as choosing two different destinations)
  • Holding a high school, Bachelor or Master’s Degree diploma either awarded in a country where the official language is the same as the required one or taught in the required language (non-EU citizens have to submit a copy of a written statement by the school/university that awarded the degree and cannot provide a self-declaration);
  • Having passed the Language Centre (CLA) four-abilities language test for a previous call by the University of Trento (this requisite has to be declared in the online application, specifying the call for which the test was taken);
  • Being enrolled in an English-taught Degree or in a doctoral course, whose language admission requirements were at least of the same level as the one listed in Attachment 1 (this requisite has to be declared in the online application);
  • Only for students of the Faculty of Law applying for the German linguistic area: having passed the Legal German exam at least at a B1 level testing the four abilities (reading, speaking, writing and listening) - as an alternative to other modalities;

For destinations with double language, you can apply only with one language per destination: this means that you do not have to comply both levels of the two languages, but just one. If you apply with the English language for a University where English is not the local language, please check carefully the educational offer in English of the Host University. 

How can you obtain the necessary language requirement if you cannot yet attest it through one of the methods listed above?  

You will have to take the language tests during the standard sessions organised by CLA before the deadline. NB: Access to CLA standard tests is only possible if the relevant teaching activity is included in your record book in esse3. You may add the English/French/Spanish/German language teaching activity:
1) during the time windows provided for changing your study plan in ESSE3: see Infostudenti Studying an graduating;
2) or, if you are unable to do so, using an online application (apply) to be completed during the period up to 17/12/2024 12.00 noon. Online application (apply) for inclusion in the record book: ‘Request for inclusion in the booklet of language tests for international mobility calls 2025/2026’.
In order to take the language test at CLA, the teaching activity must first be entered in the record book by the Student Support Staff. Afterwards, you will have to register independently for the standard sessions via the CLA management system. The structure and rules of the tests are those of the CLA standard tests. 

The Portuguese language test cannot be entered in the record book. In order to take the Portuguese language test, you will need to write to esamicla [at] The Portuguese language test, if passed, will be valid for participation in international mobility calls, but will not be recorded in the booklet.

Selection Criteria

The ranking of the assignees is prepared on the basis of the score achieved by each student on the basis of certain parameters established by the Commission.

Study project - max 15 points

The study project must be drawn up in Italian or in English according to the model in Annex 2 to the call for applications and must contain the student's personal and academic motivations in relation to the chosen destination(s). It must also contain in the appropriate table the courses that the student intends to undertake abroad (which are not binding for the actual mobility) with the relative recognition in a UniTrento course included in his/her study plan. In the case of complementary or free-choice courses, if there is no such course in the UniTrento didactic offer, please indicate "complementary/free-choice exam" as the corresponding consideration. Students are required to enter a number of foreign courses amounting to approximately 30 credits for each semester of mobility.

Language knowledge - max 15 points

The language proficiency level related to the language area of application and the possible passing of a legal language course are taken into account. In the case of a student/applicant in different language areas, different marks will possibly be taken into account depending on the language area concerned.

​Weighted average  - max 40 points

The weighted average recorded on 31/10 prior to the deadline is taken into account.

Credits' ratio - max 30 points

This is the ratio between credits achieved and credits attainable on 31/10 prior to the deadline of the call for applications, considering an average load of 30 cfu per semester.

For first-year students: since it is not possible to assign an evaluation to the academic criteria measured as at 31/10, the career progression (average and credits) measured as at the call deadline will be evaluated and greater weight will be given to language knowledge and study project.

The Committee will allocate the destinations on the basis of the points obtained by the students.