How to choose the destination
The Faculty of Law has around one hundred study mobility agreements with institutions participating in the programme.
Where can I go?
The destinations for the Call 2024/2025 are available in Annex 1A of the Call. Please read carefully the requirements needed for each destination. A visual map of the destinations is available on this BatchGeo page.
Info and useful material
Educational activities carried out by students on Erasmus: Below, you can find a list of the educational activities completed by students who have undertaken an Erasmus mobility in recent years.
Please note that the list does not guarantee the availability of these activities at the partner university nor the recognition of the educational activities. It is intended only to provide an overview of exams completed by students in the past at destinations where they undertook mobility. Lists of available courses at partner universities may vary from year to year (and from semester to semester), and the most up-to-date information on offered courses should be independently sought and selected from the various destination web pages.
Use your institutional account ( to access the Google Drive folder with information and useful material on the destinations.
English language area
- A GRAZ01 - Karl-Franzens-Universität Graz
- B ANTWERP01 - Universiteit Antwerpen
- B BRUSSEL01 - Vrije Universiteit Brussels
- B LEUVEN01 - Katholieke Universiteit Leuven
- BG SOFIA06 - Sofia University
- CZ BRNO05 - Masaryk University
- D BREMEN01 - Universität Bremen
- D KOLN01 - Universität zu Koeln
- D OLDENBU01 - University of Oldenburg
- D PASSAU01 - Universität Passau (CECIL programme)
- D SAARBRU01 - Universität Saarlandes (Europa Institut)
- E ALICANT01 - Universidad de Alicante
- E BARCELO02 - Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona
- E BARCELO15 - Universitat Pompeu Fabra
- E MADRID02 - Universidad Pontificia Comillas
- E MADRID21 - San Pablo Ceu University
- E VALLADO01 - Universidad de Valladolid (programma in inglese solo al secondo semestre: International Semester in European, International and Comparative Law)
- EE TALLINN04 - Taltech University
- FCERGY-P11 - CY Cergy Paris University
- G THESSAL01 - Aristotle University of Thessaloniki
- HR RIJEKA01 - University of Rijeka
- HU BUDAPES01 - Eotvos Lorand Tudomanyegytem
- HU BUDAPES12 - Pázmány Péter Catholic University
- IRLMAYNOOT01 - National University of Ireland Maynooth
- LT KAUNAS01 - University Vytautas Magnus
- LT VILNIUS06 - Mikolas Romeris University
- LUXLUX-VIL01 - Université du Luxembourg
- LV RIGA34 - Riga Graduate School of Law
- N STAVANG01 - University of Stavanger
- NL MAASTRI01 - Universiteit Maastricht
- NL ROTTERD01 - Erasmus University Rotterdam
- NL TILBURG01 - Tilburg University
- NL UTRECHT01 - Universiteit Utrecht
- P COIMBRA01 - Universidade de Coimbra
- P LISBOA01 Lisboa - Universidade Catolica Portuguesa (Campus Lisboa)
- P LISBOA01 Porto - Universidade Catolica Portuguesa (Campus Porto)
- P LISBOA03 - Nova University of Lisbon
- P LISBOA109 - University of Lisboa
- PL BIALYST04 - University of Bialystok
- PL LODZ01 - University of Lodz
- PL WARSZAW01 - University of Warsaw
- RO CLUJNAP01 - Babes Bolyai University
- S LUND01 - Lund University
- SF HELSINK01 - University of Helsinki
- SF TURKU01 - Turun Yliopisto
- SK BRATISL02 - Comenius University in Bratislava
- SK KOSICE02 - Pavol Jozef Safarik University
- TR ISTANBU16 - Kadir Has University
- TR ISTANBU21 - Yeditepe University
- TR ISTANBU48 - Istanbuk Medeniyet University
- UK BELFAST01 - Quenn’s University of Belfast
- UK BIRMING02 - University of Birmingham
- UK BRADFOR01 - University of Bradford
- UK LANCAST01 - Lancaster University
- UK NEWCAST01 - Newcastle University
Portuguese language area
- P COIMBRA01 - Universidade de Coimbra
- P LISBOA01 Lisboa - Universidade Catolica Portuguesa (Campus Lisboa)
- P LISBOA01 Porto - Universidade Catolica Portuguesa (Campus Porto)
- P LISBOA03 - Nova University of Lisbon
- P LISBOA 07 - Iscte - University Institute of Lisbon
- P LISBOA109 - University of Lisboa
French language area
- B LIEGE01 - Université de Liège
- CH FRIBOUR01 - Université de Fribourg
- CH NEUCHAT01 - Université de Neuchatel
- F BORDEAU58 - Université Montesquieu Bordeaux IV
- F CERGY-P11 - CY Cergy-Paris Université
- F DIJON01 - Université de Bourgogne
- F LILLE103 - Université de Lille
- F LIMOGES01 - Université de Limoges
- F MONTPEL54 - Montpellier 1 University
- F NANCY43 - Université de Lorraine
- F PARIS481 - Université Paris-Saclay
- F POITIER01 - Université de Poitiers
- F VERSAIL11 - UVSQ Université de Versailles Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines
- LUXLUX-VIL01 - Université du Luxembourg
Spanish language area
- E ALCAL-H01 - Universidad de Alcalà de Henares
- E ALICANT01 - Universidad de Alicante
- E ALMERIA01 - Universidad de Alméria
- E BARCELO02 - Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona
- E BARCELO15 - Universitat Pompeu Fabra
- E BILBAO01 - Universidad del Paìs Vasco
- E BURGOS01 - Universidad de Burgos
- E CIUDA-R01 - Universidad Castilla- La Mancha
- E CORDOBA23 - Universidad Loyola Andalucìa
- E HUELVA01 - Universidad de Huelva
- E JAEN01 - Universidad de Jaén
- E LAS-PAL01 - University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria
- E MADRID02 - Universidad Pontificia Comillas
- E MADRID21 - San Pablo Ceu University
- E MADRID26 - Rey Juan Carlos University
- E MURCIA01 - Universidad de Murcia
- E OVIEDO01 - Universidad de Oviedo
- E SALAMAN02 - Universidad de Salamanca
- E SEVILLA03 - Pablo de Olavide University Sevilla
- E TARRAGO01 - Universitat Rovira I Virgili
- E VALLADO01 - Universidad de Valladolid
German language area
- A GRAZ01 - Karl-Franzens-Universität Graz
- A SALZBUR01 - Universität Salzburg
- A WIEN01 - Universität Wien
- CH FRIBOUR01 - Université de Fribourg
- D BONN01 - Universität Bonn
- D BREMEN01 - Universität Bremen
- D GOTTING01 - Universität Göttingen
- D HAMBURG01 - Universität Hamburg
- D HEIDELB01 - Universität Heidelberg
- D KOLN01 - Universität zu Koeln
- D MAINZ01 - Johannes Gutenberg University of Mainz
- D MARBURG01 - Philipps Universität Marburg
- D OLDENBU01 - University of Oldenburg
- D PASSAU01 - Universität Passau (CECIL programme / LLM Deutsches Recht für ausländische Studierende)
- D REGENSB01 - Universität Regensburg
- D SAARBRU01 - Universität Saarlandes (Europa Institut)
- D TRIER01 - Universität Trier