Learning Agreement
The study plan containing the educational activities to be carried out abroad is called the Learning Agreement. The Learning Agreement must be completed online via Esse3 before departure and must be approved by the Erasmus+ Coordinator at the destination and the partner university. When filling out the Learning Agreement, you should verify the compatibility of the courses you intend to take at the host university with the corresponding teachings offered at the University of Trento. During the Erasmus period, you can modify it within one month after the start of classes, after agreeing and formalizing any changes with your destination advisor.
Instructions for completing the Learning Agreement for students assigned to the Faculty of Law are available in the download box.
Before the mobility
- Fill in the online application with personal data and bank details for the payment of the scholarship;
- sign the Financial Agreement online using the appropriate application and download the countersigned copy;
- regularize enrollment at the University of Trento;
- take the OLS test - "Online Linguistic Support" in the application language (the license will arrive by email).
During the mobility
- Within 1 month from the start of the educational activities, modify the Learning Agreement in Esse3 (if necessary). Once you have obtained the online approval from the Trento destination manager, have it signed by the head of the partner university and send the new Learning Agreement via e-mail, in PDF format (including the section of Changes that is automatically generated with the modification) to mobility-ssh [at] unitn.it NB! Make sure that all the didactic activities carried out are included in the Learning Agreement in Esse3, otherwise they are not recognizable!
- In the event of an extension of the Erasmus period, send the request using the appropriate form at least one month before the end of the original study period.
At the end of the mobility
- have the Certificate of Attendance signed and dated and send the document in pdf within 10 days to mobility-ssh [at] unitn.it;
- inquire about the times and methods of issuing the Transcript of Records / Certificate for the language course. (NB! The student will be responsible for urging the host University to send this document on time and no later than the deadline indicated in the Financial Agreement (September 30th)
- take the compulsory OLS end-of-period test. Pay attention to the timing: the online system automatically sends the end of period test to the student about 15 days before the end of the total period. NB! The final test is mandatory and is a condition for the payment of the last installment of the financial contribution.
- Fill in the Narrative Report (EU SURVEY) you'll receive on your email from the EU Commission - the survey is mandatory in order to receive the 2nd installment of the scholarship
- Students in mobility in EU countries (no UK and Switzerland): For the possible attribution of the additional Green Travel contribution, it is necessary for everyone to complete the application form "Erasmus+ a.y. 2021/2022 - Green Travel support" declaring that they have used sustainable means (and attaching the documentation) or that they have not used them. Completion of the application is compulsory for all returned students (both for those who have used sustainable means and for those who have not; in the latter case it is sufficient to tick NO ).
After the mobility
- Once you receive the Transcript of Records, you can start the exam recognition procedure (NB! It will be student's responsibility to request the host University to send the Transcript on time and no later than the deadline indicated on the Financial Agreement - September 30th);
- You'll then receive by email the Amendment to the Erasmus Financial Agreement (summary of the mobility and scholarship received) - approximately in November / December.